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2002 Tour of the Low Countries

Erik Desmyter organized a tour of printing museums and private collections in Belgium and The Netherlands that took place during October 2002. Eric and Greg Walters, one of the participants, provided pictures of several Liberty platen presses enountered during that tour.

Royal Library

These pictures are from the Museum of Book Printing in the Royal Library at Brussels, Belgium.

Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium

Press Identification Summary

Owner: Royal Library
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Manufacturer: F.M.Weiler
New York / Berlin
Model: Probably No. 2 or 2A
Serial Number: 11897
Patents: None listed
Throw-Off: Yes

Strobbe Collection

A Liberty press in the privately held Strobbe Collection in Izegem, Belgium.

Strobbe Collection, Izegem, Belgium

Press Identification Summary

Owner: Drukkerijmuseum Strobbe
Location: Izegem, Belgium
Manufacturer: F. M. Weiler
Model: Probably No. 2 or 2A
Serial Number: 13263
Throw-Off: Yes

Private Collection in Tournai, Belgium

Pictured here is one of three Liberty platen presses that were part of a private collection in Tournai, Belgium. Greg isn't sure if the presses are still there: "That collection was to be disbursed, and I think the Museum of Book Printing was going to take as much as they could."

Tournai, Belgium

Press Identification Summary

Owner: May have changed since 2002
Location: Tournai, Belgium
Serial Number:  
Throw-Off: Yes

Museum of Industrial Archaeology and Textile (MIAT)

This Liberty press is at the Museum of Industrial Archaeology and Textile in Ghent, Belgium.

MIAT, Ghent, Belgium MIAT, Ghent, Belgium MIAT, Ghent, Belgium

Press Identification Summary

Owner: Museum of Industrial Archaeology and Textile
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Manufacturer: F.M.Weiler / Berlin / New York
Model: No. 3 (10 x 15 inches)
Serial Number: 14525
Patents: None listed
Throw-Off: Yes

Thanks to Greg Walters and Erik Desmyter for providing pictures and information used on this page.

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