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Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy

Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy In late 2004, Tempo Srl, a dealer in used printing equipment, purchased a Liberty platen press from a printer who was retiring. The press had been used for over 80 years, through several generations of the family business in northern Italy. Until shortly before it was sold, the press was used for short runs of small jobs such as cards and invitations.

The press is on display at the Tempo Srl warehouse in Belluno, Italy.

Pictures on this page were provided by Tempo Srl's Serdal Kimsel.

The feed and delivery boards look non-standard, and may have been added after it was originally manufactured.

This press is missing its treadle and hook, and the drive shaft doesn't have the usual "notch" to engage the hook.

This Liberty press shows the 1874 patent extension. Since the manufacturer's name is shown as "F. M. Weiler", it was built after Weiler bought out the business from the Degener family in 1877. The press has a throw-off, a feature that was patented in 1886. Serial Number of Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy Detail of Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy
Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy Liberty Press in Belluno, Italy

Press Identification Summary

Owner: Tempo Srl
Location: Belluno, Italy
Manufacturer: F. M. Weiler
New York
Model: No. 2 (7 by 11 inches)
Serial Number: 10415
Patents: April 24, 1860, Extd April 23, 1874;
Dec 13, 1870; May 28, 1872
Throw-Off? Yes

Thanks to Serdal Kimsel for providing the pictures.

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